FITeval Elite

Conversion tool

FITeval Elite, sport and physical preparation software, offers you a tool which can carry out 200 conversions :

  • Kilograms (kg) to pounds (lb.) ; Metres per second (m/s) to Kilometres per hour (km/h) ; VO2max (expressed in ml/kg/min) to metabolic units (Mets)...
1MR calculator
The 1 RM calculator provided by FITeval Elite, assessment software, is the ideal tool for estimating, from below-maximum effort, the maximum resistance which can be moved by a subject during a given strength exercise. This tool uses the most commonly-used equations and allows you to insert your own.
Time and financial management monitoring
FITeval Elite, personal trainer software, possesses a time monitoring module which will allow you to account for the length of time you devote to each task or each subject and to generate a number of documents which will be very useful in managing the finances of your professional activity. 

Reports and graphs

Generating professional quality graphs and reports

FITeval Elite, physical preparation software, o ,,, offers a large selection of documents, graphs, and line graphs, to provide a very professional illustration of test results. Measure progress, print intensities and training plans. Most of these documents are parametrable.
*The exaustive’list of these documents are available in Chapter 10 of the FITeval user guide (dowloading on this web site). 

Customizable tests

FITeval Elite, sport software, contains a unique function which allows you unlimited scope to create your own tests, calculation methods, questionnaires and norms.
FITeval Elite, assessment software, allows users to define and modify measurements used in order to obtain the final result of all the proposed tests.

FITeval Elite, our healthcare and sport assessment software, allows you to add four types of tests :

  1. Tests needing a single measurement, such as body weight or a standing long jump.
  2. Tests needing several measurements, such as skin folds or body mass index.
  3. Progressive tests, such as the 20m shuttle race or the progressive running-machine test.
  4. Questionnaires, such as the participation in physical activity questionnaire. 


"The FITeval Elite software is a superb tool. "
Charles Babineau, PhD, exercise physiologist,
University of Moncton, Canada.
 " Flexibily, diversity, clear and intuitive presentation :
these are, in my opinion, the qualities of FITeval Elite. "

Paul Boisvert, PhD, exercise physiologist,
Laval University,
" FITeval Elite gives me great freedom in planning
my training sessions. "

Philippe Lambert, physical trainer,
Lille OSC professional football club,
" FITeval Elite is a masterpiece. This software is unique as it gives me a choice of tests which are perfectly suited to the assessment and training of sportsmen/women of varying
levels of physical condition. "
Nick Smith, Health Performance Ltd,
Great Britain